Moke FAQ

Frequently Asked Questions

Yes! Moke America is fully electric. Plug it into any 110-outlet to charge it. A full charge goes for 40 miles. A full charge takes 8 hours. It’s super easy!

Yes! The Electric Moke is street legal. It’s classified as a Low Speed Vehicle (LSV), and has a maximum speed of 25 MPH. The Moke is street legal on all roads 35 MPH or less.

Yes! The Moke is registered just like your car. You must have a valid driver’s license to drive the Moke. You will also need to add the Moke to your insurance policy. We follow all the rules of Low-Speed Vehicles (LSVs).

Our gel batteries charge in 8 to 10 hours.

Yes! You can find information on your specific state’s tax incentives.

Yes! You can find information on your specific state’s tax incentives.

Yes, View our accessories catalog online and you can order directly from our website.

Yes!  We can order an upgraded Bluetooth-enabled stereo system.

Each Moke is built to order. It takes approximately 160 days from the day you customize and order your car (with deposit) to delivery.

We split the payment in two: There’s a 50% Deposit Fee due today.

This is based on how you customize your Moke +

3% shipping surcharge (on base price)

Delivery Fee (based on region)

4% Credit Card Fee

Payment Due At Shipment

Remaining 50% Fee (based on how you customize your Moke)

4% Credit Card Fee

You will only be charged a 50% DEPOSIT fee today, plus 3% shipping surcharge (on the base price), delivery charge and 4% credit card fee.

You can pay by wire transfer, which has no fee. Please email if you prefer to pay by wire transfer.

The customization of your Moke takes approximately 160 days. The balance will be due upon scheduled delivery.

To register your vehicle, fees and sales tax will be due as required by local/state governing authority.

Delivery charges are based upon location and can vary based on fluctuating trucking rates.

There’s also a 3% shipping surcharge (on the base price) and credit card charge of 4%. Sales Tax will be paid upon delivery of your Moke and varies by state.

For vehicle registration, fees will be due as required by local/state governing authority.

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