

The Moke is an investment that will give you a ton of outdoor pleasure for many years to come, so be sure to keep the suggested electric golf cart maintenance checklist close at hand so you can take good care of it. Regular upkeep will guarantee that your Moke performs smoothly each and every time you use it.

The majority of the tasks on the electric golf cart vehicle checklist can, best of all, be completed at home! Proper Moke maintenance is simple as long as you have the right tools. To book an appointment with one of our specialists, call the MOKE AMERICA AUBURN staff if your Moke requires more extensive maintenance.


  • Clean Your Moke
  • Clean Your Batteries
  • Fully Charge The Batteries
  • Idle Time
  • Check Your Tire Pressure
  • Monitor The Braking System
  • Tighten Loose Screws & Bolts

Need Maintenance For Your Moke?

Allow the team at Moke America Of Auburn to help you continue to enjoy years behind the wheel of your Moke.  Follow our electric golf cart maintenance checklist and contact us if you experience any issues!

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